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Welcome to the City of the Four Freedoms

the City of Madison

Final 2023-2024 Budget
Notice of Proposed Tax Increase

The City of Madison, with a population of just over 3,000, was designated as one of the “Best Little Towns in Florida” by VISIT FLORIDA, and serves as the county seat for county government. For over 60 years, the city has served as home for North Florida Community College and as an out-campus for St. Leo University. Downtown Madison is filled with quaint gift shops, antique stores, outdoor shops and nice eateries. The downtown area is overflowing with classic 150 to nearly 200 year old homes and buildings.

In the heart of downtown Madison is Four Freedoms Park. The park is a beautifully landscaped city-block area containing a large gazebo and the Four Freedoms monument. This famous monument honors Colin P. Kelley, a former Madison County resident, recognized as the first U.S. hero of World War II and awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his bravery and valor in combat.

Madison is a Military Family and Community Covenant city. The Covenant is a public affirmation and pledge to support military personnel, military families, and veterans.



“The City of the Four Freedoms”

Official 2024 Holiday Schedule


At the June 11, 2024, City Commissioners meeting, the Commissioners voted unanimously to award the repaving contract for Washington and Shelby Avenues, to the Scruggs Company, the lowest of two bidders. The combined bids for both repaving projects is approximately $783,000.00. A pre-construction meeting was held on June 27, 2024 with the representatives from the Scruggs Company, city staff and the City’s Engineer to put in place a plan to proceed with the re-paving projects. The Scruggs Company stated that their projection for a start date for the re-paving projects of Washington and Shelby Avenues is tentatively set for the second week of August 2024. This will involve posting of construction signage and other traffic directional signage prior to the actual construction beginning. Both Washington and Shelby Avenues will be repaved from Bunker Street to Highway 90. Citizens should be aware that this will add to the already congestion of traffic and primary travel routes as the Horry Avenue Project for infrastructure upgrade and re-paving will all happen simultaneously. Please be sensitive to the construction and infrastructure upgrades of these three major projects. This will definitely be a true test of patience and tolerance. As all three projects will be underway, citizens should be aware that the construction phases will take us well into the 2024 holiday season. As schools will be preparing to re-open for the 2024 – 2025 school year, citizens should be attentive to alternate routes for dropping off and picking up of your children. Doorknockers and other media releases are in effect to keep citizens aware of the construction upgrades. Updates will be continually submitted for citizen awareness. The City of Madison is grateful to the Department of Transportation and the Department of Commerce for these construction projects that have been awarded at a cost of approximately 2 million dollars. A Construction Inspector will be on site daily to oversee the projects. The contractors will work diligently to eliminate any inconveniences to residents and businesses alike, as much as possible. Please exercise due care and caution as the projects will soon be underway. Finally, we are in the 2024 Hurricane Season, which may, or may not impact the projects. For further information, please feel free to contact City Hall for further information at (850) 973-5081.

Jerome Wyche, Manager
City of Madison